In Triund there is a Guest House of Forest Department Dharamsala with about four cosy rooms and which is looked after by Mr. Baisakhi Ram and one room for a night costs as low as 1000 INR** (**rates may change as per rule of Forest Department).If you plan to stay…
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Story of Triund from Jewel of Dharamsala to Public Toilet of the World
(As written and sent to us by Ravindra Thakur Chamba) त्रिउंड की कहानी धर्मसाला के गहने से भारत व दुनिया के सार्वजानिक शौचालय तक,त्रिउंड हिल, द ज्वेल ऑफ़ धर्मसालात्रिउंड हिल, जिसकी वास्तविक ऊंचाई लगभग १०६३२ फ़ीट (10,632 फ़ीट) (3240.6336 मीटर्स) है और जिधर श्री कुणाल पत्थरी देवी जी का मंदिर…
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