Railway Station in Triund From a very long time, say since 2011, one friend of our had to visit Triund campsite and every time the plan dates were cancelled, reason being busy nature of human life. Well then came the day of Dec 28th 2018, yes after seven years and since…
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How is The weather of Triund in December
Is it safe to Trek to Triund in December? Triund Hill is the Jewel of Dharamshala Local. Trek to Triund, is one of the nearest and one of easiest high altitude trekking site in Dharamsala. Triund trek has four to five starting points. One from Dharamkot, second from BhagusNag (which…
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BhagsuNag Shiv Mandir and Bhagsu Waterfall History of Bhagsu Nag and Shiva Temple :- Dwapara Yuga (द्वापर युग) is the third yuga in Hindu religion and which came to its end, when Lord Krishna returned to Vaikuntha, his eternal abode. It was this yuga when the King of Demons Raja…
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In Triund there is a Guest House of Forest Department Dharamsala with about four cosy rooms and which is looked after by Mr. Baisakhi Ram and one room for a night costs as low as 1000 INR** (**rates may change as per rule of Forest Department).If you plan to stay…
Continue Reading....Trekking to Triund Hill in December
Trekking to Triund Hill in December — As of now there is fresh light snow fall in Dhauladhars, so you can expect a cold weather in Triund Hill. No if you start early in the morning say around 8AM then you’ll reach Triund by 12 noon and may come across…
Continue Reading....Story of Triund from Jewel of Dharamsala to Public Toilet of the World
(As written and sent to us by Ravindra Thakur Chamba) त्रिउंड की कहानी धर्मसाला के गहने से भारत व दुनिया के सार्वजानिक शौचालय तक,त्रिउंड हिल, द ज्वेल ऑफ़ धर्मसालात्रिउंड हिल, जिसकी वास्तविक ऊंचाई लगभग १०६३२ फ़ीट (10,632 फ़ीट) (3240.6336 मीटर्स) है और जिधर श्री कुणाल पत्थरी देवी जी का मंदिर…
Continue Reading....Bada Bhangal
On the Brink of Famine, Save Bada Bhangal Save Bada Bhangal We are raising funds over here for arranging supplies for the villagers in Bada Bhangal. Bada Bhangal is the remotest village of Himachal located in Baijnath Block of District Kangra. This remote valley is flanked on all sides by…
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